2025 Evaluation Dates and Times for 11U - 18U age groups will be done between the dates of April 1, 2 and 3
Details on Groups and Dates will be posted Mid March.
Criteria for a successful evaluation system and why it is important.
All players have the same evaluation. Allows a player to be properly evaluated against their peers.
Quantifies evaluation and streamlines varying opinions of evaluators (good, ok, great, bad) to a single number. It’s easier to explain and is harder to argue with numbers.
Allows for opinions but from the same language. A comprehensive evaluation makes the difficult conversations easier to have.
Everyone knows what to expect. Permits association to properly communicate with players and their parents.
Evaluations primarily are based upon the 5 Tools that build a sound fundamental baseball player:
Three separate evaluated stations with a T-work warmup station. Rotate through 3 evaluated batting cages.
The first evaluated station will be a batting tee. The metric of power will be determined using exit velocity. Evaluators will use a radar on each swing to determine the average exit velocity of the players over 5 opportunities.
The second hitting evaluation cage will feature 8 pitches provided by a coach underhand in “front toss” fashion. Mechanics, swing contact and swing power will be evaluated.
The third and final evaluation will feature 8 pitches overhand from a coach (live arm). Mechanics, swing contact and swing power will be evaluated.
Each of power, mechanics and contact will be scored out of 10 for a total of 30 points.
30 total points; 10 each for contact, mechanics, and power.
Power will be calculated based on a bell curve within the age group.
Throw from 3 separate pitcher’s mounds at the appropriate age distance.
11U players will be required to throw 5 pitches per mound; 13U-18U players will be required to throw 6 pitches per mound.
For 11U and 13U, each mound will be evaluated out of 10 for mechanics, velocity, and control for a total of 30 points. The velocity will be calculated by skill shark for median bell curve in each age group.
For 15U and 18U, the first two mounds will be evaluated out of 10 for mechanics, velocity, and control. The velocity will be calculated by skill shark for median bell curve in each age group. Each player will throw 6 off-speed pitches off the 3rd mound. For the 3rd mound, they will measure mechanics, control, and pitch shape will replace velocity as a 3rd metric.
Each mound will be scored out of 10 points for a total of 30 points.
30 total points, 10 for control, 10 for mechanics and 10 for velocity/pitch shape.
A single session fielding at 2 infield positions; short stop and third base for all 11U-18U players.
4 consecutive opportunities at each position. Fielding opportunities will range the players to effectively evaluate the players ability to move to the ball.
Balls will be regulated and thrown by a “hack attack” baseball machine.
The player will be evaluated for mechanics, arm strength and arm accuracy for a total score of 30 points.
10 points each for fielding mechanics, 10 points for accuracy and arm strength. Total of 30 points
Proper fielding technique will be evaluated subjectively based on the players ability to move then proceed into a good in fielding position generally observed with bent knees and hands extended out in front and bent forward at the hips and two hand being used for balls hit at the player. When ranging left and right, it is not advised nor mandatory for the player to use both hands. Ideally players ranging to their glove hand side would also have their left foot forward at pickup, and their right foot forward when ranging to their back hand side.
A single session consisting of 8 opportunities to each player.
Combination of all scenarios (fly balls; left, right, back, short, and grounders)
The player will be evaluated for their overall mechanics while making the play, as well as their overall arm strength and accuracy while throwing to a target for a total score of 30 points.
10 points each for fielding mechanics, accuracy and strength of throw. Total of 30 points.
Proper fielding technique will be evaluated subjectively based on the players ability to move then proceed into a good in fielding position generally observed by judging the ball going into the air, tracking the ball, securing the catch and proper footwork to throw to target after the catch.
A single session consisting of 2 (two) run times of 40 yards. Timing to begin on the movement of runner.
Total of 10 points.
10 points for speed
Speed will be calculated based on a bell curve within the age group.